Friday, November 1, 2019

19A Idea Napkin No. 2

1.  My name is Katia Bautista and I'm a Business Administration major. I love to cook, and I've always enjoyed watching my mother and sisters cook as well while learning from them. I know that oral surgery can be tough on others and being restricted on a soft food diet can be difficult. However, I believe others will enjoy my food especially since it'll include some traditional spanish foods that will be easy to eat.

2. I am offering homemade soft food meals for those that are sensitive to solid foods. My service will include more than just mashed potatoes and soups and will offer a variety of desserts including jello, pudding, and arroz con leche. It will have a variety of options for lunch and dinner and will only be $15/day.

3. My service is targeted for people that have just undergone oral surgery, whether it was having their wisdom teeth removed or needing to get dentures. For this reason, either my customers will be older or a young adult.

4. Customers that are just getting their wisdom teeth taken out may not care as much since their recovery time is a lot faster than those getting dentures. The older customers, however, will enjoy this service because they won't have to come up with creative meals to enjoy on a daily basis. Especially since up to this point these people have probably eaten solid food everyday, my service will take care of the uncertainty of scrambling to whip something up that they are able to eat while providing a full meal.

5. I saw the process that some of my family members went through while readjusting and I just want to make that readjustment period easier for other people so they can focus on healing instead of what they can eat.

I changed my original business idea, not because I no longer believed in it, but because I want to explore a different idea. Because of that, it's difficult to apply the feedback I received last time to this post, but some feedback I received was how it was nice to have a niche target audience and I hope I kept the same sentiment with this idea. Compared to my last attempt I believe that the elements go together a bit better this time around.

1 comment:

  1. Katia,
    im interested in reading your post because i am also in the business major myself. through out the semester ive been reading your post and ive be interested in everyone of them due to the fact of the care you have for people.
