Friday, October 25, 2019

18A Create a Customer Avatar

My customers would be your average working adult that had just obtained some dentures and are on a soft food diet. The only thing they all would have in common is that they never had to think about whole meals containing only soft foods. Since they and their spouse  probably have full time jobs, they don't have a lot of time to come up with creative  and filling meals which is why they utilize my service. They need a warm meal ready for them for when they get off a long day at work and just want to go home and relax by either reading a book or watching tv. And since they are still in some pain (at least the first couple of days) they don't want to do more than they have to. Since they needed to get dentures and these days a lot of people have moderately good dental benefits, most of my customers will be 50+ years old. That means that their kids are probably grown and moved to another state and they live by themselves, maybe with their spouse if they have one. While my customer's could have family members that would help them out, my service would appeal more to those that don't have any immediate family in the area.

What I have in common with these customers is that any one of them could have been a family member. They could have been my mom or dad, grandmother or grandfather, and so on and so on. Speaking from previous experience, I felt utterly useless when my family member had to get dentures and they were in pain. The first three days they hardly ate and when they finally did, they complained about the bland food or how it wasn't filling them up but they couldn't stand the pain in order to keep eating. As far as it being a coincidence that my customer has something in common with me, it's not. I remembered what it was like for my family member and based it off of them.

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