Friday, November 15, 2019

25A What's Next

 Existing Market:

Step 1: What's next is that would have to find other ways of advertisement than just through a dentist office in order to reach a wider margin of people.

Step2: After interviewing my three customers they suggested that I consider offering breakfast options. They also recommended that I eventually get an app in order to facilitate the ordering process.

Step3: Originally my venture is set to be a lunch and dinner food service. Due to the feedback I received I'm considering eventually including a breakfast menu. Of course that would not happen until I could afford additional staffing, that way I won't overdo it. A lot of food businesses have apps in order to decrease wait time and to make the ordering process easier, so that is also something that I'll look further into.

I do think that these suggestions will be applicable to my venture, though it won't be able to be implemented immediately.

New Market:

Step 1: Since my venture targets those who have recently had oral surgery that makes my market consist of either older people or late teens to young adults. But since it'll cater to those that need my product for a longer span of time, it appeals to the older people more. So I'll be targeting the young adult market.

Step 2: In order to try to appeal to this new market, I would add to my menu sweeter smoothies and shakes.

Step3: After interviewing the customer's in this new market they suggested I add a few solid food items so that they could get a meal with the smoothie or shake that wasn't a soft-food item. They also suggested that I increase the variety of ice cream I had available for the shakes.

Step 4: I had a feeling that a soft-food based service would not be really attractive to someone who 's doctor didn't tell them to be on that diet. Even so, I was still a little surprised when they suggested to add a couple solid food items like sandwiches. What they suggested sounded a lot like Tropical Smoothie that I don't think I should take their advice.

I knew that this second market would not be as attractive as my original market. While they are still part of my demographics, young adults are in the minority. And even though I don't think I'll be adding sandwiches to my menu anytime soon, I do think I will add more ice cream flavors and a wider selection of smoothies. In the end, their feedback was still much appreciated.


  1. I definitely do agree with the existing market interviewees because breakfast is usually the hardest meal to replace, but options such as yogurt or pudding could provide alternatives that could help customers out. Unfortunately, your expansion into new market at least for these interviewees tried to stray you away from the main premise of the product, which is why you weren't completely excited in the final review. Great post.

  2. Katia,
    after reading your step two post i would agree with your interviewers. breakfast is a very important meal to some people in order for them to focus through out the day. i dont think it would be a problem to rush it i think you should take your time. before starting your breakfast deal give surveys to everyone just to see what they like to eat for breakfast.
