Wednesday, October 2, 2019

11A Idea Napkin No.1

1) Hi, my name is Katia Bautista and this is my first year at UF. I am a Business Administration major. I aspire to be able to make changes in my community and continue or add on to the great work that other wonderful people have already started in making Little Rock a more eco-friendly city. This would, of course have me acknowledge the aspects of my life where I can reduce my carbon footprint.

2) With this type of service it may be easier to partner with an existing organization so that we could pull our resources together. In this case I would reach out to iMatter Youth Movement which has members all over the country and just bring some of their base models to Arkansas.

3) In this case I would start by offering this to other students through the Mayor's Youth Council (which is a volunteer organization that I am a member of). I do believe that our youth has to be better educated on the effects of climate change so that they can start making more conscience decisions on the aspects of their life that have a lingering effect on their personal greenhouse gas emissions.

4) They would care because this is not an issue that affects only one person or a specific group of persons, but it affects everyone. If they're not feeling those effects right now, then they will at some point in their future. The severity of those effects depend on the steps we take now in order to reduce the worst of it.

5) What makes this different is that by partnering with iMatter Youth Movement, I would be able to take something that I know works (because it was successful in their city) and tweak it in order to make it meet the needs of my city. I could focus on the aspects that Little Rock hasn't already addressed. Arkansas is called the "Natural State" and  "Keep Arkansas Beautiful" is something a lot of people take seriously, and the way to do that is to make Arkansas greener, by implementing more eco-friendly solutions to our everyday life.

While I have an idea of where I want to start, I know that I need to flesh out exactly where I want to focus a green initiative idea here in Arkansas. I know the group of people I want to work with, but as far as do I want to focus on more on a program that will make accessing energy efficient equipment more affordable or do I want to focus more on awareness. I think once I decide that, everything else will become a little easier.


  1. Hi Katia,
    I think it is great how already you have a niche target audience to testing your product on. In addition, partnering with another organizations, like iMatter Your Movement, can help promote your product later on to other communities with the same organization or similar ones. Also, enhancing children's education on eco-friendly movements will create more sustainability for future years. Good job.


  2. I really like the fact that while most of us are making prospective services, you are actually apart of something bigger than yourself and helping contribute via volunteering. I volunteered a great deal growing up and I am definitely interested in seeing what this service, already with an established partner in the iMatter Youth Movement, can do for the Arkansas area. I appreciate your efforts to improve the world around us because not many people are realizing the real life damage being done to the planet daily, great work.

  3. Katia,
    i love the idea that you inspire to change communities and also to continue great things that people have started. its awesome to have people care about communities and want them to be better. i like how you organized your post by separating your thoughts and talked about them separately.
