Thursday, October 10, 2019

14A Halfway Reflection

1) In order to keep up with this course, you need to be able to set time apart each week in order to complete the assignment. In other words you need to be self-disciplined and proactive.

2) If I'm telling the truth, there have been several moments when I've felt like 'giving up' both in life and in this course. I usually get that dreaded feeling of 'giving up' when I feel overwhelmed and I just want to hit the restart button and just wipe the slate clean. But then, I get a moment when I'm able to reflect on what's happening and I push myself to keep going by telling myself that my goal is just within reach and if I keep going I can achieve it faster. Also giving up gets you nowhere, and you end up losing more than just your credits. You lose all the time you invested in the class and you have nothing to show for what you actually did. Having a tenacious attitude is something that I have to work on every day and sometimes the only thing that keeps me from giving up is knowing that someone else is able to do the exact same assignments and remembering something that my mom has always said "If someone else can do it, so can I". She said this when she was raising my brother and sister and I as a single mother. There were several times when she thought she couldn't raise us by herself but then she would see another single mom with four kids and she would think, "If she can handle four then I can definitely handle three". From this I draw the same mindset: if someone can do school, work full time and still be a good parent to their kids, then I definitely don't have room to complain when I only have school and a full time job.

3) The first tip I would offer is to keep yourself as organized as possible. You can do this with a planner. I personally like that mine says 'Chaos Coordinator' because most of the time it really does feel like that's what it's doing. This will also help keep you from forgetting to do any assignments. The Second is to not procrastinate: this will ensure you have plenty of time to complete all assignments to the best of your abilities. The Third, is to really pay attention to everything Dr. Pryor says. This'll help develop a tenacious mind which is something you'll need as an entrepreneur. It's very likely that you won't succeed the first time you try to set up your own business, but that doesn't mean there's nothing to learn in that failure. What really show's a tenacious attitude is being able to pick yourself up and try again.


  1. Katia,
    I really enjoyed reading your post. I could relate with a lot of the stuff you said about life and this class. I found the stuff you said about your mom to be very inspirational. We live in a very competitive world, in which you need to push yourself to the furthest if you want to be successful. And if someone else is doing it, you can too!

  2. I really like how you drew inspiration from your mom to keep yourself going in not only school but in life. The details you gave us go far beyond this discussion board or any classroom, that establishes a pattern of discipline that can be applied at multiple points in your life. I also like the fact that you have a "Chaos Coordinator" because it reflects the truth about college and can add a little humor to a hectic day, I hope you continue to grow and maintain the tenacious mentality you have slowly been working towards.

  3. Katia,
    i also do sometimes get overwhelmed with this and get impatient and aggravated but i never wanted to give up. if i ever got overwhelmed and stressed out about something i would just take a break from it to clear my train of thought. i would agree to what you said in your tip section about keeping yourself organized as possible.
