Thursday, September 26, 2019

9A Testing the Hypothesis Part 2

Who: After I conducted the last five interviews I learned that most everyone agreed that climate change was an issue and that it needed to be addressed (at different levels of urgency for each). I also learned that for some of them, though they said they would change given the opportunity and resources to switch over to a renewable source of energy, the switch would be a struggle in the beginning.

What: The first need is to figure out a way to lower our greenhouse gas emissions.

Why: This need is for everyone, since we all share the same planet. What we do doesn't just affect us, it affects others as well. However, there are some who don't believe in climate change, some who think it can wait to be addressed, and others who think it requires immediate action. Some of the basic questions are the same for all, for example, how much would it cost to switch over to a renewable source of energy? How available is it for the masses? Why should I even invest in it in the first place?, and Why do I need to make changes in my life? After all my carbon footprint is not that much. In the end, the reason we need to take action is to avoid seeing all the possible consequences of inaction. It's too late to reverse our current emissions, so we've started to see and are going to see more consequences of all the greenhouse gasses we've put in our atmosphere. Right now we're experiencing warmer temperatures and melting icebergs and glaciers that are causing rising sea levels, but we know that this problem can multiply many times over.

Inside The Boundary
Outside The Boundary
·      Those who are aware that climate change is an issue
·      Everyone on Earth
·      Those who don’t believe Climate Change is Real
·      Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
·      Find Alternative sources of energy
·      Reversing Climate change
·      Switch over renewable sources of energy
·      Plant a garden
·      Cut down on amount of meat consumed (especially beef)
·      Cleaning up the ocean
·      Building Flood Resistant structures

1 comment:

  1. katia,
    I was very interested with the way you organized your post and how you gave the direct details about your hypothesis based on the who, what and why. also the topic "climate change" is very important to people in every community and also i think its a iportant thing to inform people on.
