Friday, September 13, 2019

4A Forming an Opportunity Belief

1-2 I believe there is an opportunity in older model cars that break down. "Nothing lasts forever" and cars are no exception to that phrase. The older the car gets the more likely it'll eventually break down especially if it doesn't receive regular maintenance, which won't prevent it from breaking down but will slow it down. This is usually a problem for those that have a vehicle that's over ten years old and the way most people will keep from having problems consistently is by taking it to the mechanic.

Male driver (27 years old) 2002 Ford Focus
Q1: When's the last time your car broke down and how did that make you feel?
The last time my car broke down was this past June and I felt extreme anger and frustration especially since I had already planned to take it to the mechanic the following week. It was also very inconvenient since I was going home for lunch and it broke down on my way there and I had to call someone to take me back to work.
Q2: When did you realize that your car was not doing to good and how were you dealing with the problems? I first knew that something was not right a year before the breakdown happened. I knew the car was not going to last forever, but I was hoping it would last long enough for me to save for a better car. I wasn't entirely worried until about a month before the breakdown when my clutch stopped shifty properly and I couldn't tell if it was the alternator or something else.
Q3: What did you do when your car broke down? Did you get it fixed? Consider getting a new car? Consider using public transportation or car pooling until you could get a new vehicle? I decided to weigh my options before deciding to fix the car. I talked to the mechanic and he said after fixing it, it should last a couple more years, giving me enough time to save for a better car, one that will last and have little to no problems instead of rushing and getting the first car I saw that could potentially have problems that are just as bad as my current car?
Q4: How concerned are you that your car will break down again in the near future? The mechanic did a good job of fixing all the major issues although I know that the car still has many small issues left. I don't feel worried or concerned until I get in the car and can see all the issues happening all at once.

Female Driver (24 years old) 2008 Jeep Commander
Q1: When's the last time your car broke down and how did that make you feel?
The last time my car broke down was about a month and a half ago and I felt frustration and disappointment especially since I had just gotten that car this past February. It was an inconvenience since it happened at the end of my shift and I had to call someone to pick me up and take me home late that night.
Q2: When did you realize that your car was not doing to good and how were you dealing with the problems? I actually didn't realize there were any major issues with car and had no previous problems with the car.
Q3: What did you do when your car broke down? Did you get it fixed? Consider getting a new car? Consider using public transportation or car pooling until you could get a new vehicle? Well, before taking it to the mechanic, I asked my stepdad to take a look and see if it was something easy to fix. Thankfully it was but I never really considered getting a new car since I don't have the money to pay a monthly car note and all I could afford was a used car.
Q4: How concerned are you that your car will break down again in the near future? I'm not too concerned that my car will break down again anytime soon.

Female Driver (22 years old) 1998 Honda CVR
Q1: When's the last time your car broke down and how did that make you feel? 
I've only had this car since early July and it hasn't broken down but it has to many issues that I'm just annoyed and not happy with it. Like the other day, it was raining and one of the windshield wipers flew off. Thankfully it didn't hit another car but I had to pull over and wait until the rain passed. Another thing that happened was that the A/C quit working and when I took it the mechanic he found a bunch of rocks next to the filter.
Q2: When did you realize that your car was not doing to good and how were you dealing with the problems? I realized something was wrong when the A/C stopped working.
Q3: What did you do when your car broke down? Did you get it fixed? Consider getting a new car? Consider using public transportation or car pooling until you could get a new vehicle? I actually didn't want to get this car, but I had a wreck in June and was a little desperate and had to get the stupid car. I took it to the mechanic and he fixed the A/C but there's so many issues that as soon as I save enough for a new car, I'm going to get a better car.
Q4: How concerned are you that your car will break down again in the near future? I'm concerned all the time.

5-7 A couple of things I learned that are not included included in the questions above is that all the drivers have older models due to budgetary concerns. Eventually all want to get new cars but in order to that, they have to save money. The most surprising thing I learned was that not all considered immediately getting a new car and they knew that they were going to get it fixed. As far as my original belief I am still of the belief that older models that are 10 years and older have a tendency to break down more often than newer models. I don't think my belief has changed too much from the beginning except for the fact that not all the drivers took their car to the mechanic the moment the car broke down. As for the last question, I think Entrepreneurs should adapt their beliefs to some extent due to customer feedback. After all, entrepreneurs are marketing their goods to them and a customer would be more willing to buy a good or service if it appealed more to them and if they felt their were being heard.


  1. Hi Katia,
    I enjoyed reading your post. You did a great job discussing issues in the automobile industry. I could relate with your post, as I drive an older car at home. I have had many problems with it and have had to bring it into the mechanic on several occasions. I believe that you discussed an annoying problem, but vehicles are bound to have problems after being used a while.

  2. katia,
    reading your discussion post you did a great job going through listing and discussing your issues with the automobiles. i can strongly agree to your issues about old automobiles breaking down because of the parts getting old and getting rusty. also i think the older the car gets the way your car run will change in a funny way.
