Friday, September 20, 2019

8A Solving the Problem

When I was in High School I was part of this volunteer group called the Mayor's Youth Council which sought to make a difference in our community. I have selected Climate Change Awareness as my opportunity and though I'm not trying to sell anything I am trying to have my city take steps toward more eco-friendly solutions. As of yet I have not been able to get in contact with my old sponsor. I am hoping that I can partner up with the group on a local level in order to come with ideas that the city won't immediately reject for being 'too hard' or unfeasible. If my sponsor is interested in working with me then I would like to reach out to iMatter Youth Movement who are all about demanding their cities commit to aggressive climate policy. My thinking is, if they've done it in their communities maybe they can help me accomplish the same in mine. iMatter mostly works with teens which is why I would like to see if I can get the Mayor's Youth Council on board. After this issue affects all of us. If I'm not successful with these first steps then I'll have to find another way to bring awareness to my city.


  1. Hi,

    I think that it's great that you volunteer to make a difference in your community. The issue of climate change is very important and should not be taken lightly. Cities need to work towards being more eco-friendly, which will greatly help the environment in the long run. Climate change is not something you will directly see every day, but it will sneak up on us and needs to be fixed before it is too late.

  2. Hey Katia!

    I love that you chose climate change as your issue to focus on. It's a hugely relevant issue that will impact our generation's future, and the main issue with solving it currently is the struggle to find feasible solutions to combat it. I feel that local efforts might just be the key if our federal governments fail to pursue climate policies, and definitely agree with you on the fact that raising awareness is key to solving this issue, having researched it myself and reached the same conclusion.

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. katia,
    i think volunteering to make your community will uphold with success. because in todays world when people volunteer to do something it involves some how with selling something. but trying to make your community a better place people will take that into consideration because its not about them being hustled.
