Friday, September 20, 2019

6A Identifying Opportunities in Economic and Regulatory Trends

1. Global Economist Predict the World's Lowest Growth in a Decade
I found this article on CNN which says that it seems like we may be headed toward a recession. When people hear the word recession they usually panic and stop spending as much money on nonessential goods and services causing those prices to drop in order to get people to spend money again. The prototypical customer in this case would be anyone in the world since it's predicted the recession will affect everyone, not just the United States. And this opportunity could go both ways. Businesses who sell essential goods can exploit the situation since people need those goods in order to survive, yet if businesses that aren't considered essential tried the same thing people wouldn't fall for it because they wouldn't have the money they needed.

2. Colt Will Stop Making AR-15 Rifles for Consumers
As soon as I read that a rifle would stop being marketed to consumers I knew that I would find an opportunity here. Like the previous article, this was found on CNN. The prototypical customer would be any member of the community that would like to own a Colt AR-15 rifle. This opportunity would be hard to exploit since Colt is announcing that it will stop manufacturing this particular rifle since the market has a surplus of this rifle. Although once it those guns are bought, they could be easily exploited on the black market.

3. Brexit Secretary to meet EU's Chief Negotiator
From the bits and pieces I've read in the new about Brexit, I knew that anything to do with them would mean a change in regulations. This particular article was found on the BBC news page and in this case the prototypical customer is Britain. I think this opportunity will get easier and easier to exploit as the October 31 deadline approaches and Britain gets more desperate for a deal. Although for the moment it seems like they're going down the right path.

4. Trump Says He's Moving 'Very Slowly' on Gun Control to Get It Right
Anytime you see the words 'gun control' you know that some kind of regulation is being talked about especially considering everything that's been going on recently.  This article was also found on CNN. The prototypical customer is any American that want to own a gun. Although no regulation was actually mentioned, it can be assumed that by the time talks are over gun sales will change in some way, making it harder to exploit the opportunity which is what most people want.

Any time any topic is consistently mentioned on the news means that that subject is important and you better pay attention. With all the shootings going on, I knew it was only a matter of time before changes happened in the way guns are purchased.  The Colt article threw me by surprise but since it dealt with guns I knew that I would find an opportunity there for the same reason as the other one. Same thing with Brexit. It's consistently in the news which means that it's a big deal and worth noting especially since the terms will affect a lot of people whether directly or indirectly. As far as the first article, from previous economic classes I know that people are interested when economists say low growth and then they mentioned recession, which means that will not be the last article like it that will surface.


  1. Hi Katia,

    Great post! I also included a section about gun regulations in my post. With the high number of shootings this year alone, there needs to be change. I also enjoyed reading about the prediction of the world's lowest growth in a decade. I was unaware that we may be heading towards a recession. This possible recession will affect everyone. People need to be more informed of this issue.

  2. Katia,

    I really enjoyed reading the economic and regulatory opportunities that you identified. All the opportunities that you selected are all incredibly important to US or the world. I like how you mentioned both US news as well as global news. The main suggestion I would make for you is to diversify the articles you cite. I noticed that ¾ articles that you referenced were CNN articles. CNN is a great source of news, but I’ve noticed a lot of people dismiss it for its overly liberal views. Nevertheless, you did a great job!

  3. katia,
    you have an interesting post. one of the most interesting topics you chose to me was gun regulation. with the gun control rights moving slow i think nothing is going to change due to all the killings that are happening every day in the world.
