Monday, December 2, 2019

30A- Final Reflection

1) The most memorable experience from this semester were the elevator pitch videos. A lot of times it's easier to write something online versus posting a video of yourself. Making the elevator pitch videos really brought me out of my comfort zone but that's exactly why I'm also proud of them even when they didn't turn out the way I wanted. It was a learning experience and even though we had other assignments that had us flesh out our concepts I felt that the elevator pitches brought them together in a way.

2)At this moment in time I still don't see myself as an entrepreneur. However, I think I have definitely gotten closer to developing an entrepreneurial mindset throughout the semester. I have also absolutely learned an array of tools that'll help me develop a concept once I feel more comfortable with seeing myself as an entrepreneur.

3) One recommendation I would give to future students is that they watch the weekly lectures instead of trying to cheat in order to pass the cupcakes and in order for them to develop an entrepreneurial mindset they need to take ownership of their ideas that they decide to explore.

Image result for laurel crowns


  1. katia,
    i also would agree to things being easier to write about then it is to having to post a video. doing videos and posting them where strangers can see would bring anyone out of their comfort zone. i think this class gave me lots of comfort and increased my ability of being a better entrepreneur.

  2. Katia,

    I agree with you about how tough the elevator pitches were. They completely took me out of my comfort zone and allowed me to assess myself. It felt weird to watch recordings of myself and put it online for others to see. Additionally, after reading your posts throughout the semester, I would consider you an entrepreneur. Although you may not have created an idea like Apple or Facebook, you have learned and excelled at all the skills required to turn an idea into a reality. You should be proud of all that you've accomplished.
