Thursday, August 29, 2019

2A Bug List

Having a cough at the beginning of the fall semester.
Why it exists: People don't always practice proper hygiene in order to stop the spreading of germs and as a result multiple people get sick.

People walking slowly in front of you when you're in a hurry.
Why it exists: People like to converse with one another, and when that happens they stop paying attention to their surroundings and end up walking slower.

People chewing their food loudly.
Why it exists: Some people like to chew with their mouths open or like to talk as they chew and as a result, their chewing sounds very loud.

Getting stuck in traffic leaving Little Rock around 8PM.
Why it exists: When there are many drivers during high traffic times, more accidents tend to happen causing traffic to back up.

Feeling your shoes get momentarily stuck to the floor and then hearing the dreaded sound of your shoes sticking to the floor every time you take a step.
Why it exists: There are many products that when they spill they leave a sticky residue that if it isn't properly cleaned up will cause anyone who steps on it to have that dreaded feeling of having their shoes stick slightly to the floor with every step they take.

Unprofessionalism, more specifically people who are more concerned with what their colleagues are doing than their own work
Why it exists: Some people don't have a good work ethic and feel it is their responsibility to measure their productivity against someone else even if they're not the manager. Also some people just don't get along well with others and will cause drama whenever they can.

At work having the TC70 (a handheld device in order to perform specific job duties) glitch
Why it exists: The company in order to save money, doesn't always acquire the best equipment for the job.

Having to change my oil every two month instead of three.
Why it exists:  There is some burnt oil that slowly burns the new oil requiring me to make an oil change sooner than anticipated.

Getting bitten by mosquitos in the summer.
Why it exists: Mosquitos tend to like warmer weather and survive off blood which humans have quite a bit of and are easy meals for these insects.

People who are entitled and believe everything should be handed to them on a silver platter. More specifically, people who get upset when things don't go their way immediately or when they experience a small wait.
Why it exists: We live in an era where we don't have to wait long for anything. We can order ahead, order online, and receive our goods and services in a timely fashion, so when that's not the case, we don't always respond appropriately and blow things out of proportion.

Having to wear long sleeves in the summer due to working in freezers and coolers.
Why it exists: There are jobs that requires their employees to work in coolers or freezers and in order for them to dress appropriately for work, they may sometimes have to endure a few minutes of uncomfortable heat.

Men (or women) who think they can prey on innocent women (or men), specifically referring to the Epstein Case but can apply to the whole of society.
Why it exists: There are certain people out there who have no respect for the individual and think they can take whatever they want even if the other person says no.

Greenland's glaciers melting at an incredible rate this summer.
Why it exists: Climate change is causing glaciers to melt at an alarming rate due to our excessive use of fossil fuels.

Scam callers, I got a call the other day saying that my extended warranty on my vehicle needed to be renewed. My car is not under any kind of warranty anymore.
Why it exists: Companies and people have always preyed on weaker people in order to earn money quickly.

All the gun violence in the past few weeks, in schools and other public areas.
Why it exists: There is currently not an adequate way to regulate guns and there are some people who think they have the right to decide who gets to live or die.

Suppression of female education in underdeveloped countries. 
Why it exists: Male dominated countries view women as the lesser sex and think they aren't worthy to have an education and that their place is to remain at home.

All the required reading for this semester. Several chapters are piling up and are taking up inordinate amount of time making it a necessary evil.
Why it exists: In order to get a full rounded education, supplemental reading is required.

Trains that pass by in the middle of the night. I live near some railroad tracks.
Why it exists: Someone scheduled these trains to move in the middle of the night and due to safety regulations they have to blow their whistle anytime they're about to cross an intersection.

All the ice added to my grande guava white tea lemonade, making me finish my drink in two sips and leaving me with a cup half full of ice.
Why it exists: Starbucks recipe requiring all that ice to be included in that drink.

Reflection: The first few bugs were relatively easy to come up with, and even the rest of the list didn't take too long. What took me longer was coming up the "why's" and wording them right (which I might not have done correctly anyway). It did make me think harder on the little problems and I'm hoping I'm not being to repetitive. All in all, it was a fun assignment and in thinking of the "why's" it made me think of some ways in how to fix some of the situations.


  1. Hi Katia,
    I really like the list of "bugs" you came up with. They were extremely specific and relevant to our current day world. The more specific defined bugs are more tailored to your personal situations. With that, your personality, humor, and feelings are transparent to the reader. For example, "Feeling your shoes get momentarily stuck to the floor and then hearing the dreaded sound of your shoes sticking to the floor every time you take a step." Besides your "bugs," I wish your whys were more concrete. I understand you had a harder time with those. Contrary, I had a harder time thinking of my "bugs." Great job with this assignment.
    - Christina Thompson

  2. Hey Katia!
    I think we have a lot of “bugs” in common! Your “why it exists” made sense and showed where the problem originates from, making it easier to understand why these certain things happen to us in life. My reflection is a bit similar as well. It was easy for me to come up with 20 bugs too, but more difficult to dig deep into as why the problem exists. Even though you said it was difficult, I think your why’s were clear and allowed readers to understand why these common annoyances exist and how we can avoid them now, such as “getting bitten by mosquitos in the summer,” occurs because in the summer season, mosquitos are out more and tend to bite more. Now I know that I need to avoid this problem. I don’t have any constructive feedback regarding your bugs since this assignment was simple and straightforward, but I would go more into depth into the reflection, since you mentioned being repetitive. Great blog post though, so relatable.

  3. Hi Katia,

    I really enjoyed reading your list of “bugs.” We seem to have a lot of them in common. Your reflection was also very well written and makes a lot of sense. I agree with the fact that the first few were difficult to come up with because it is sometimes difficult to think about these things even though they are very common to our everyday life. It is very easy for these “bugs” to bother you but it is difficult to come to a conclusion for why they exist. However, your explanations for why these “bugs” occur was very good. Overall, great post!

  4. Katia,

    I thought you did a great job creating your bugs list, and I could relate with the majority of the issues that irritate you. Furthermore, I felt that you did a great describing the root cause of the problem. Rather than simply state the reason why the bug bothers you, you stated the reason that the bug exists, which is can be particularly difficult. After reading your reflection, I noticed that we experienced similar difficulties. When I was creating my list, it was easy at first, but as I wrote more, it became more and more challenging. I agree with you that this was a fun activity, and it definitely put me in an entrepreneurial mindset.

    ⁃ Noah
